KOJIMA HARUNA Kami 7 Fundraising Project

Reposting from Jigsoo:

To all Kojima Haruna Fans around the world, just as what the title says, the aim of this fundraising project is to collect money to buy votes for KojiHaru for AKB48’s upcoming 6th Election.

Many say that this might be the last election that Haruna will participate in, so as KojiHaru fans, we need to give our all for the upcoming election. As we all know our NyanNyan has her rank lowered to 9 in last year’s election, and we cannot let that happen again, so through this project we could help reinstate Kojima Haruna in Kami 7 before she bids AKB48 goodbye.

The money will be collected through PayPal.
All of the money will be used to buy votes, if there is a gap (more money is needed to buy a certain number of votes in bulk) we’ll top up that additional amount.

There’s no minimum amount of money that you can donate.
The votes will be bought through auctions.
NOTE: The voting codes will NOT be provided to the fans who will contribute to the funds; instead at the end of everything photos of the voting slips as well as payment breakdown will be posted on how things went down.
Deadline: 21st May 2014 

Please also confirm your donation by sending an e-mail tokojimaharunyanfan@gmail.com

Example of email format:
To: kojimaharunyanfan@gmail.com
Subject: Sousenkyo Donation
Donation amount:
Transaction details:
Whether you want to be anonymous in the breakdown:

Contact Persons:
Jigsoo (twitter)(tumblr) & plushykins (tumblr)
For more information contact us through the links provided above. You can also send an email to kojimaharunyanfan@gmail.com
For alternative payment methods (eg bank transfer) please contact any of the persons above.

Why fundraising?
  • You can help contribute votes even though you aren’t buying the CD
  • Just buying votes themselves tend to be cheaper than buying the CDs containing the votes (saving on shipping, etc), so this way you would be contributing more votes
  • Buying votes in bulk tends to be cheaper
  • You don’t have to worry about anything, leave all the stress and hair-pulling to us
  • Everyone’s doing it :D

Why won’t you give me the voting slips to vote myself?
To maximize effectiveness as well as keep the amount of things needed to be done down, the team will be the ones inputting in the codes.
At the end we will post up a financial breakdown as well as pictures of the voting slips bought and you can check to make sure that each vote was used for Haruna by going to the voting website and typing in the codes.

Why should I trust you guys?
Trust goes both ways; this project was started with the thought of how to help Kojiharu fans get votes easier so that they could vote for her and show their support. We don’t get any physical rewards from this, just the knowledge that we are doing our best for this year’s Sousenkyo effort and hopefully the one reward that we’ll get (and the one reward that we really want) is Kojiharu’s genuine smile at the end of all this.
We are trusting in your love for Haruna to encourage you to contribute and not ignore this, just like how our love for Kojiharu made us panic and cough out the time and effort to organize all of this.
For Haruna, please vote as many as you can afford.
Even if she’s not your favorite but if you like her well enough, do throw a couple of dollars our way too.
Every vote counts.

Let’s all join hands and work together to bring Haruna back into Kami 7!

Please reblog and share this as many as possible

Kojiharu for Kami 7!


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