Idols48 in Japan

I've almost deserted this blog because I've had a transition process for the past two months. Currently, I'm studying in Tokyo and will probably be here for a year or so. But of course, I'll still continue to post unboxing stuff here.

I remember when I promised to complete the series of posts about my Japan 2014 trip. It took me so long to organize the photos and when I realized it, reporting about their Japan trips became so mainstream that it made me lose motivation to join the bandwagon. Plus, there wasn't much AKB content so I guessed Idols48 readers wouldn't be interested. I also remember that time when I promised to make a Maichan appreciation post but that hasn't happened yet. I could blame a lot of factors such as lack of time and laziness but  anyway, I'll keep this blog alive again. I have so much unboxing posts to do and more stories to share. For now, I'll just leave these photos here.
