UNBOXING: 74 Okubun no 1 no Kimi e Type C (HKT48)

74 Okubun no 1 no Kimi e / HKT48

For the last of the 74 Okubun no 1 no Kimi e unboxing posts, here's Type C. As of the time of posting, I still don't have the theater version yet.

Amazon's shop bonus -- Mio, Meru, Miku and Nako.

I got Tomonaga Mio's calendar card in this copy.

Okubun A, B, C, Sasshi, Jiina, Mio cards, Haruppi and Einstein Yori Dianna Agron shop bonuses and handshake tickets. I'm happy.

74 Okubun no 1 no Kimi e Type C

1. 74 Okubun no 1 no Kimi e
2. Chain of Love
3. Eienstein Yori Dianna Agron
4-6. Off Vocals

1. 74 Okubun no 1 no Kimi e MV
2. Eienstein Yori Dianna Agron MV
3. Japan's Best spots Mystery Bus Tour Vol. 3
